Saturday, September 22, 2007

hello hello!

this is to kindly inform you guys about something NEW!
its called the convience posting (with conditions la...)

yup yup you all should have received an email "you have been invited to contribute to us's blog".if you have a blog with blogger then you just have to click the link and sign in.then TA-DA this blog will appear on your dashboard! so whenever you sign in to your own account you'll see 2 blogs on your home page and that'll remind you to blog too!yup and you get to have your name at the end of the post like me!haha. not sure how it works for pple w/o blogs on blogger.oops.but anyway if you don't want to use this then its perfectly fine to just sign in into this shared account. (:

oh yeah conditions: you can only post and change settings i think.if you wanna do something to the template you gotta sign in with this actual account.

mmm.yeah if you dont have the email you can always ask bryan for know, since he's so free.

yup but then again you dont have to do all this if you dont want to.its just another know, like uh greater variety.more elastic demand.
hahahaha.dont you just love econs? (:
